25 minute workout no equipment, workout for beginners, Workout with Weights, workout at home, 30 minute Workout no equipment, workout calories burned, workout routine
Hey everyone, welcome a 25 minutes full-body workout
that's going to work every part of your body So it doesn't matter if you’re a
beginner or if you’ve been working out a while now I've got both the high Impact
and also no jumping low impact version to get you through this. So this workout
consists of four sets with a mix of 20 to 30 seconds of Exercise and 5 to 20
seconds off. We're going to start with a warm-up and end with a cool-down.
We're starting off our warm-ups with some butt kickers go slow and easy, but
feel free to bring up. There's going to be no jumping low-impact variations
throughout the workout so no reason not to finish these guys you can do that if
you are a beginner if you're not doing a hundred percent or when you feel like
giving up Inchworm is next. You're just crawling into a plank position and
back straight up again. Make sure you keep your core tight we’ve got fast foot
next. Sort of like an American football shuffle. Start slow then increase the
speed gradually Site lunges are next just two more exercises and we're out of
the warm-up guys. This exercise is really great to stretch out our abductors in
our legs Low lunges are next as you lunge downwards extend your arms upwards
like sorry We're doing about four reps then swap over to the other side Swap
over guys Now we've got a 10 seconds to break and we're going to kick off set one
with skater hops You're basically hopping from side to side like so and if you
want to make it harder then make sure your back foot doesn't touch the floor
and for low impact just take away the jumps. Next, we've got high knees. Bring
those knees up as high as possible and raise that heart rate. For low impact
just take it slow. Next, we've got reach and crunch. As you crunch Make sure
you're engaging that core guys if you want to work those abs, you got to engage
them Swap over to the other side.
Next, we've got everyone's favorite or most hated
exercise burpees we got to do those guys if you want to work your whole body.
We're more than halfway through set one Shuffle touch ground is next. This
exercise is absolutely amazing to keep your heart rate up Make sure you do it
safe and for low impact just takes away the shuffle next we've got a fast foot
again. This looks easy But this is really going to ramp up the intensity try to
do it as fast as you can but be safe Sidestep and jump is next. Be sure to jump
as high as you can guys It's not about how many of these you can do is about
making each jump explosive and do it in a good form Thank you when you love let
I help for us because I believe the whole And That's set, one great work guys
with low quick twenty seconds break You can take a longer break up to a minute
if you want to We're going to start set two with touch ground and cake.
All exercises are set to a superset So that's two
exercises back to back remember to be safe and watch your balance here
especially if you're doing it on a carpet or mat which may move. For this
exercise touch the ground with your left hand while Having your left leg
extended behind you then jump back in and keep the other leg up Make sure you
do the exercise in an explosive manner for low impact just exclude the hop No the point in blaming you did not know Now on to the other side and again don't get
too excited and stumble like a day Now we've got quick ten seconds rest
followed by a superset of curtsy lateral lunges Be sure to go as low as
possible and work those legs Now on to the other side Next we've got a shuffle
touch ground once again, remember to engage that core Now we've got push-up and
shoulder taps next if you can't do a push-up you can do it on your knees Hang
in their guys, you can get through this. We're halfway there. Just keep
following along Lunge and skip is next lunge down and as you come back up drive
in knee up and jump. Jump as high as you can guys work those legs and core Now
on to the other side And for our final exercise to end set two is jumping jacks
go as intense as you can guys and burn those calories Great work guys, you are
doing well.
We've got a quick 20 seconds break again You can
take a longer break too, and we're about to start set three with shuffle
burpees So start with the shuffle then get down into a plank and jump both feet
back in and get up and shuffle and repeat Next we've got high knees if you're
starting to feel tired you can jog it out, but I know you got this so keep
pushing Now get on the ground guys and feel free to laugh at how confused I am
here we've got tabletop touches next we've got tabletop to reach you might feel
the burn on your arms, but this really works your abs too keep pushing through
guys We're almost done with set three.
Not long to go Now get up and we've got pop squat
next remember to engage your core and exhale as you go down Again exclude the
jump for low-impact Jumping jacks are next. Go as intense as you can here guys
Next, we've got a plank to the high knee. Get into a plank position and get up and do
four high knees. Our last exercise for the set is high kicks we've come this
far so don't give up! Kick up your legs as high as you can and make sure you
don't lock your knees. For low impact, just exclude the jump, Great work guys! We've
got just one more set to go and we're done You can take up to a minute break if
you want to Grab a fitness mat if you have one and we're going to kick off the
first minute with high knees Let's do this. You can do it Next we have the plank to
squat. This will really work your core and arm so keep pushing through guys
Slight recovery in the next one we've got plank jacks next just four more
exercises to go. We've got a bicycle crunch. So lie on your back and keep pushing
I know how you feel I was so tired at this point, but let's not give up Next
we've got reverse crunch to lift those legs up using your core muscles as high as
possible almost there guys Now flip around and we're going to do some mountain
One more exercise to go after this and our last exercise
is crunch Get on your back again with your knees bent and crunch forward. Be
sure your neck is not doing the lifting and it's your core that's pulling you
forward Great work guys, but don't move. Stay on the mat we’re going to do some
stretches for our cool down. Bend the right leg up and rest the right ankle
across your left knee then do the same on the other side. So stretching is
really important guys, so don't skip this Now stretch out your legs without
bending your knees keeping them as straight as possible this helps to stretch
out your hamstrings Now sit upright and get into a pigeon pose this really
helps to stretch out our hip flexors and our gluts Then pull the back foot up
like so to stretch our quads Now do the same on the other side Now get into a
downward dog and walk it out to loosen up those legs Then slowly get into a
cobra pose Now into a child pose Now stretch out our hamstring and back as much
as we can on both sides and we are almost done You can definitely extend the cool
down a little bit longer.
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