Morning yoga poses for Beginners, Morning yoga routine, Quick morning yoga routine, Morning Yoga for beginners weight loss, 30 minute morning yoga routine, 7 yoga poses to do in the morning, Best morning yoga routine, Free morning yoga routine

Welcome to my blog Fitnessfreakbeast this is a morning yoga stretch perfect for beginners or anyone looking to wake up the body for the day ahead let’s begin. Come to your back reaching up overhead getting a good stretch in throughout the body may be bending side to side whatever feels good here perfect hug the left knee into chest began opening and closing the knee it’s just finding some gentle movement here using your hand as support release begin hugging the right knee into the chest so just switching legs here and begin rocking the knees side to side release hugging both knees to chest grabbing the outer edges of the feet drawing the heels towards your groin begin rocking side to side if that feels good rests here or open the feet for happy baby pose go ahead and hug the knees a good squeeze here and come to your seat keeping the knees bent feet planted on the mat begin rocking the knees side to sides just seeing how low you can get the knees may be tapping the knees on the...